WooCommerce Point of Sales (POS)
wePOS هي إضافة نقطة بيع ووكومرس سريعة ومتجاوبة على (أجهزة سطح المكتب والأجهزة اللوحية). تتيح لك أخذ الطلبات وتتبع المخزون باستخدام متجر ووكومرس الخاص بك. يمكنك بشكل فعلي حساب منتجات الووكومرس الخاصة بك عن طريق مسح الباركودات و إضافتهم مباشرة لسلة مشتريات الزبون لمعالجة الطلب.
Based of REST API
wePOS هو تطبيق ذو الصفحة الواحدة الذي يعمل بسرعة فائقة. لقد استخدمنا ووكومرس REST API و بعض الـ API المخصصة لتطوير الإضافة. هذا يجعل الإضافة تستجيب بسرعة وتنجز لك عملك بالوقت المناسب. في المتجر الفعلي, تحصل على العديد من الزبائن الذين ينتظرون الدفع والخروج بمنتجاتهم. لذلك, النظام السريع مثل wePOS يمكن أن يكون التذكرة باتجاه واحد لإدارة المخزون بسهولة.
Attractive User Interface
واجهة المستخدم الجيدة في بعض الأحيان ممكن أن تجعل النظام أكثر جاذبية. wePOS لديه تصميم بديهي الذي يتيح التنقل بسهولة. وبهذا، يمكنك إدارة المخزون والطلبات الخاصة بك بطريقة منظمة.
Shortcut / Hotkey Support
wePOS يدعم مفتاح الاختصار الذي يجعلك تستخدم الميزات أسرع. وهذا مهم جدا لأي متجر فعلي حتى يتمكن موظف المبيعات من قراءة الباركودات ومعالجة الطلبات بوتيرة سريعة.
Privacy Policy
wePOS uses Appsero SDK to collect some telemetry data upon user’s confirmation. This helps us to troubleshoot problems faster & make product improvements.
Appsero SDK does not gather any data by default. The SDK only starts gathering basic telemetry data when a user allows it via the admin notice. We collect the data to ensure great user experience for all our users.
Integrating Appsero SDK DOES NOT IMMEDIATELY start gathering data, without confirmation from users in any case.
قد يوجد العديد من الأخطاء وافتقاد الكثير من الميزات. إذا كنت ترغب في المساهمة في هذا المشروع, فأنت أكثر من مرحب بك. يرجى التشعب في منطقة الموارد عند جيت هب.
قدمت إليك بواسطة وي ديفز
لقطات الشاشة
استخرج الملف المضغوط وقم فقط باسقاط المحتويات في wp-content/plugins/ من دليل التثبيت لووردبريس وبعدها قم بتفعيل الإضافة من صفحة الإضافات.
الأسئلة المتكررّة
لا يوجد أسئلة شائعة
المساهمون والمطوّرون
“وي بي أو أس – نقطة بيع لووكومرس” هو برنامج مفتوح المصدر. وقد ساهم هؤلاء الأشخاص بالأسفل في هذه الإضافة.
المساهمونلقد تم ترجمة ”وي بي أو أس – نقطة بيع لووكومرس“ إلى 16 لغة. شكراً إلى جميع المُترجمين لمُساهماتهم.
ترجمة ”وي بي أو أس – نقطة بيع لووكومرس“ إلى لغتك.
مُهتم بالتطوير؟
تصفّح الشفرة، تحقق من مستودع SVN، أو الاشتراك في سجل التطوير بواسطة RSS.
سجل التغييرات
v1.2.7 -> 5th June, 2024
- Feature: WooCommerce Coupon API integration for cart discount
- Enhancement: Added support for WooCommerce customised order numbers by third-party plugins
- Fix: Blurry numbers on print receipt
v1.2.7 -> 27th December, 2023
- Enhancement: Tax calculation implementation based on discounts and fees instead of base price of products
v1.2.6 -> 30th December, 2022
- New: Integrated Vue date range picker, select2 and Vue chart JS packages
- New: Added helper methods for getting day JS and date range picker date formats
- New: Added helper method for getting custom date ranges
- Refactor: Order created via wePOS setter
v1.2.5 -> 1st November, 2022
- Feature: “View POS” menu on “My Account” page
- Enhancement: Added all decimal separator support as per wooCommerce settings to put a discount or adding a fee from POS frontend
- Enhancement: Updated webpack to v5
- Fix: Broken layout on smaller width print receipt
- Fix: Variable product visible on POS frontend even no attributes used
- Chore: Variable replace automation
v1.2.4 -> 28th June, 2022
- Fix: Localization issue on changing site language
v1.2.3 -> 3rd June, 2022
- Compatibility: Compatibility for WordPress 6.0
v1.2.2 -> 19th May, 2022
- Enhancement: Added keyboard accessibility support to the payment and print receipt options
- Fix: Scrollbar broken style issue on frontend view
- Fix: Customer selection dropdown selecting wrong customer by pressing enter/return key on frontend
- Fix: Pressing enter/return key results product addition to the cart, even the product search dropdown closed on frontend
v1.2.1 -> 15th March, 2022
- Feat: Remote promotion notice
v1.2.0 -> 27th January, 2022
- Compatibility: Compatibility for WordPress 5.9
- Fix: Fixed an issue where wePOS frontend is not loading
v1.1.12 -> 31st December, 2021
Feature: Stock support for the pos product, out-of-stock products will be shown but can not be added into the cart
Enhancement: Codebase optimization & various page i18n support
Fix: Z index mismatch for components, some components were not displaying properly with modal
- Fix: Variation product’s all variations can not be seen
- Fix: Variation products attributes UX issue
- Fix: Double payment can be done by double-clicking the process payment button
- Fix: You already logged in to any other counter or outlet
- Fix: Product images not shown on POS
v1.1.11 -> 19 November, 2021
- Fix: PSR-4 class autoloading for Admin namespace
v1.1.10 -> 19 November, 2021
- Feature: Admin dependency notice for WooCommerce
Feature: Support for other decimal separator character
Enhancement: Black friday 2021 promotion
- Enhancement: Tab view responsiveness support for POS cart content
- Enhancement: Support for Composer 2
Enhancement: Codebase optimization and restructure
Fix: The price rounding does not work for discounts
- Fix: Fixed an issue where POS admin panel does not have the correct font family
- Fix: Thermal printer text is unclear for receipt
- Fix: Product Tax is not showing properly on the receipt
- Fix: NPM vulnerabilities
v1.1.8 -> 19 October, 2021
- Enhancement: Added halloween sale 2021 limited promotion banner
v1.1.7 -> 13 July, 2021
- Enhancement: Added summer sale 2021 limited promotion banner
v1.1.6 -> 08 May, 2021
- Enhancement: Added limited promotion banner
v1.1.5 -> 15 March, 2021
- Enhancement: Added limited promotion banner
v1.1.4 -> 21 December, 2020
- Enhancement: Added limited promotion banner
v1.1.3 -> 23 November, 2020
- Enhancement: Added limited promotion banner
v1.1.2 -> 28 October, 2020
- Fix: Permission callback warnings
- Fix: Duplicate order get generated if pay now button pressed twice while doing payment.
- Fix: While Dokan installed, login was redirecting back to account page.
- Feature: Cash input checking and Validation for Cash payment
- Feature: Cart data validation for payment for currently active cart tab
- Feature: Dynamic Pay now button based on current cart tab
v1.1.1 -> 23 December, 2019
- Tweak Appser client updated
v1.1.0 -> 09 December, 2019
- Tweak Update some styling issues
- Tweak Added appsero client
- Fix Undefined customer_id error fixed
v1.0.9 -> 25 September, 2019
- Fix Tax calculation issue in pos cart
- Fix Fee tax not calculated when manually added in pos cart
v1.0.8 -> 22 August, 2019
- Fix Variation REST api rendering issue
- Fix Gateway class not loaded if WooCommerce deactivate
v1.0.7 -> 26 July, 2019
- Fix Category rendering issue fixed
- Fix Thausand and decimal separetor issue fixed
- Tweak Add vuex support for better performance
v1.0.6 -> 17 June, 2019
- Fix Remove deleted product from saved cart items when product is already deleted
- Fix Admin bar conflicted with dokan plugin fixed
- Fix Translation issue fixed
- Tweak Added some filter and hooks for extends future functionalites
v1.0.5 -> 17 May, 2019
- Fix Customer not created if WooCommerce default
Automatic username and passowrd create
options is changed - Fix Customer creating and serching issue for Dokan vendors
- Fix Stock level manage during cart and checkout process
- Fix Tax not displaying when exclusive tax applied from WooCommerce settings
- Tweak Move product api endpoints to wepos custom endpoint
- Tweak Remove some unwanted code
v1.0.4 -> 3 May, 2019
- New Added extra column in order listing page for determining whether the order is POS order or not
- Fix Cash gateway payment processing issues
- Fix Customer not created if woocommerce default account creatation option is disabled
- Tweak Added updater class for changing some meta’s
- Tweak Update some flaticons
- Tweak Added some core filters in js end for extending components
v1.0.3 -> 8 April, 2019
- Fix Undefined issue in admin settings page
- Tweak Remove some unwnated code
- Tweak Modal component load globally and add more customizable options
- Tweak Update some flaticons
v1.0.2 -> 25 Mar, 2019
- New Added billing address missing fields in customer create
- New Added all category selection in category filter
- New Add extra product info in product list view
- New Add Dokan plugin support
- Tweak Change quick menu layout to popover
- Tweak Change routing and menu rendring system for future extends
- Fix Case sensitive issue in product search
- Fix Remove attributes for simple product in cart and payment page
- Fix Cursor poiting issue in keypads and other buttons
- Fix Fee and discount calculation issue large amount(Price) of products
- Fix Tax and fee tax calculation problem for percentage fees
- Fix Product thumbnail resolution issue
- Fix Rounding problem in cash and change amount after payment
v1.0.1 -> 4 Mar, 2019
- Fix Product fetching issue when no products found
- Fix Customer data not reset during empty cart or new sales
- Fix Event bus not triggering properly
- Fix Render only publishable product in pos system
- Tweak Added wp hooks for load action and filters
v1.0.0 -> 22 Feb, 2019
Initial version released