هذه الإضافة لم يتم تحديثها وتجربتها لأكثر من 3 إصدارات ووردبريس رئيسية. قد لا تكون خاضعة للصيانة أو تقدم الدعم والمساعدة بالوقت الحالي وقد تكون بها مشاكل في التوافق عند إستخدامها مع إصدارات حديثة من ووردبريس.

Slim Jetpack

لقطات الشاشة

  • SlimJetpack


  1. Install Slim Jetpack either via the WordPress.org plugin directory or by uploading the files to your server
  2. Go to Settings–>Slim Jetpack and activate the modules you need. Configure them if the ‘configure’ buttons appear. You need at least ‘activate_plugins’ capability to access the configuration page.
    Click ‘toggle’ to show the ‘deactivate’ button and the infinite-scroll module is only for twenty-xxx series themes, you may extend it to support your own themes.
  3. That’s it. You’re ready to go!

الأسئلة المتكررّة

How many files are touched? Use a comparing tool to find out. But as I
remember, the list is:

Modified: jetpack.php(->slimjetpack.php), class.jetpack.php

Removed: files and folders of all removed modules

Not all unused blocks are removed from jetpack.php which might cause problems but if it works,just ignore them 🙂

I believe the functions I touched won’t cause security issues, but use at your own risk!

If you don’t like certain modules, just delete them 🙂

If you need a new module from Jetpack future releases, copy the files into Slim Jetpack and try.

It should work without problem 🙂

Installation Instructions
  1. Install Slim Jetpack either via the WordPress.org plugin directory or by uploading the files to your server
  2. Go to Settings–>Slim Jetpack and activate the modules you need. Configure them if the ‘configure’ buttons appear. You need at least ‘activate_plugins’ capability to access the configuration page.
    Click ‘toggle’ to show the ‘deactivate’ button and the infinite-scroll module is only for twenty-xxx series themes, you may extend it to support your own themes.
  3. That’s it. You’re ready to go!


7 فبراير، 2017
Don’t like to be forced to connect to WordPress.com and the “holy cloud”, so Slim Jetpack is the solution.
إقرأ جميع المراجعات 25

المساهمون والمطوّرون

“Slim Jetpack” هو برنامج مفتوح المصدر. وقد ساهم هؤلاء الأشخاص بالأسفل في هذه الإضافة.


لقد تم ترجمة ”Slim Jetpack“ إلى 10 لغات. شكراً إلى جميع المُترجمين لمُساهماتهم.

ترجمة ”Slim Jetpack“ إلى لغتك.

مُهتم بالتطوير؟

تصفّح الشفرة، تحقق من مستودع SVN، أو الاشتراك في سجل التطوير بواسطة RSS.

سجل التغييرات

  • Change custom-css editor back to ACE for better CSS Hint
  • Completely remove photon to avoid confusion
  • Remove the devicepx js calling back to s0.wp.com
  • Fix the Akismet & Omnisearch menu dependency issue


  • Skip Jetpack v2.6 and v2.61
  • Update to Jetpack v2.7


  • Update to Jetpack v2.5


  • Update to Jetpack v2.4.2
  • Lift the configuration page access capability to “activate_plugins”
  • Put back “Holiday Snow” module, because holidays are coming 🙂


  • Updated to Jetpack v2.3.3


  • Added Jetpack check before activation
  • Removed wp.me shortlinks module


  • Removed and mocked the api authentication codes
  • Removed the admin marketing banners
  • Disabled the ‘Learn More’ slide box and make all screen clean
  • Changed the Jetpack admin menu into Settings -> Slim Jetpack submenu
  • Changed the default status of modules to be ‘inactive’