Plugins Condition


The plugins screen shows the tested version and the last updated.

Unofficial & closed plugin

  • It will be displayed in red.

Official plugin

  • If it is good, it will be displayed in green.
  • If the verified latest version is different from the current WordPress version, the version is shown in red.
  • It indicates in red when the last update date is over one year.

Display on Dashboard

  • Display the plugins with the problem on the dashboard.
  • Can see the data collected automatically once a day on the dashboard.

Notification email

  • Will notify you of the latest data by email by set intervals of days.

لقطات الشاشة

  • Plugins view
  • Manage screen
  • Dashboard widget


  1. Upload plugins-condition directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress

الأسئلة المتكررّة



31 ديسمبر، 2023
We are facing lots of problems with this plugin at our LOGS and got no answer at support thread from developer in months…. Just none 🙁
27 مايو، 2021
I don’t understand how this is not part of WP by default. What a helpful tool! Thank you!
إقرأ جميع المراجعات 8

المساهمون والمطوّرون

“Plugins Condition” هو برنامج مفتوح المصدر. وقد ساهم هؤلاء الأشخاص بالأسفل في هذه الإضافة.


لقد تم ترجمة ”Plugins Condition“ إلى لغتين. شكراً إلى جميع المُترجمين لمُساهماتهم.

ترجمة ”Plugins Condition“ إلى لغتك.

مُهتم بالتطوير؟

تصفّح الشفرة، تحقق من مستودع SVN، أو الاشتراك في سجل التطوير بواسطة RSS.

سجل التغييرات


Supported WordPress 6.4.
PHP 8.0 is now required.


Will notify you of the latest data by email by set intervals of days.


Supported WordPress 5.6.


Supported WordPress 5.3.


Will notify you of the latest data by email every month.


Can see the data collected automatically once a day on the dashboard.


Optimization of plugins information acquisition.


Fixed a color display issue with version numbers.
Add dashboard widget.


Initial release.