استمارات ونماذج الاتصال من نينجا فورمز- أداة إنشاء الاستمارات بالسحب والإفلات لـ ووردبريس


منشئ نموذج الاتصال لـ ووردبريس، الأكثر سهولة في الاستخدام

Use Ninja Forms to create beautiful, user friendly WordPress forms that will make you feel like a professional web developer!

100٪ صديقة للمبتدئين

Not a tech person? No problem. No coding skills required. You can design beautiful, complex forms like a pro with a dedicated support team at your back. No question is too small- build your forms with a professional team happy to answer any question or address any issue.

أنشئ نماذج ووردبريس جميلة دون أن تكون مصمماً

Drag and drop fields. Easy row and column layouts. Multi page forms. Conditional forms. You don’t have to be a designer to create forms that will blend beautifully with your WordPress website.

ميزات متقدمة لن تحتاج إلى مطور لإنشائها

Let users upload files and make any form an upload form. Send or export submissions as a PDF, Microsoft Excel file, even Google Sheets. Send email from any form to just the people that need it. You don’t need to be (or hire!) a developer.

قبول المدفوعات من خلال نموذج الدفع

You can accept PayPal and credit card payments securely and easily from any of your WordPress forms. Single payments or subscriptions, fixed, variable, or user entered amounts. Give your customers or donors all the options, or just one with a PayPal form, Stripe form, and more!

احصل على المزيد من نماذج الإشتراك ونماذج إنشاء قوائم العملاء المحتملين

Experience the difference a fully customizable email subscription form or lead generation form will make for your business. Grow your mailing lists and bring in new leads like never before. Complete integration with MailChimp, Constant Contact, Campaign Monitor, Salesforce CRM, Zoho CRM, Insightly CRM, and more!

التوافق مع إجمالي الناتج المحلي لـ WordPress

Ninja Forms makes WordPress GDPR compliance simple. We never collect or store personally identifiable information, or any information, from your forms. Easy to use templates are included for Right to Be Forgotten and Data Export requests. Ties into native WordPress GDPR features for automated compliance.

استخدم القوالب الجاهزة للبدء بسرعة

Have a form ready to go in literally minutes. Find pre-built templates for a contact form, registration form, application form, MailChimp form, quote request form, PayPal form, Stripe form, and many others!

استجابة للهاتف المحمول وتوافق بشكل جميل مع أي قالب مصمم بشكل جيد

Built with accessibility and mobile responsiveness in mind. Ninja Forms adopts the design choices made by your theme to blend perfectly with the look and feel you worked so hard to pick out.

تكاملات أكثر من أي منشئ نماذج ووردبريس آخر

If you can dream it, we’ll do our best to help you build it! There’s so many more ways to use a WordPress form than we can pack into a page. Really need something that you’re not sure you can do with Ninja Forms? Ask us, or check out our full feature list!

قائمة ميزات Ninja Forms الكاملة

ميزات Ninja Forms الأساسية

The core Ninja Forms WordPress form builder is 100% free, always. Build complex forms in minutes with the most modern, user friendly, drag and drop form builder in WordPress! Core Ninja Forms features includes but are not limited to:

  • سحب وإفلات منشئ النموذج
  • 27+ أنواع الحقول
  • تحديثات منتظمة
  • دعم مخصص
  • قوالب النماذج قابلة للتخصيص
  • سريع الاستجابة، وتحسين محركات البحث، ومتوافق مع الهاتف المحمول
  • متوافق بشكل جميل مع قالب التصميم الخاص بك
  • تمت الترجمة إلى أكثر من 16 لغة
  • التوافق مع إجمالي الناتج المحلي لـ WordPress
  • نماذج غير محدودة
  • نماذج استمارات التقديم غير محدودة
  • تصدير استمارة التقديم
  • إشعارات البريد الإلكتروني القابلة للتخصيص من أي شكل
  • الحماية من البريد العشوائي بما في ذلك Akismet و Google reCAPTCHA
  • تصدير وإستيراد النماذج
  • روابط عامة قابلة للمشاركة
  • مألوفة للمطورين

ميزات إضافة Ninja Forms

As your needs grow, Ninja Forms will grow with you. Select just the individual features you need as you need them, or become a member today with a plan that meets your needs and your budget! Take your WordPress forms farther!

تكامل Ninja Forms

ادمج استمارات ووردبريس الخاصة بك مع الخدمات التي يحتاجها عملك أو مؤسستك للتواصل والتنظيم والنمو. لا ترى الخدمة التي تحتاجها مدرجة أدناه؟ تحقق من الأسئلة الشائعة لمزيد من المعلومات ، أو اتصل بنا مباشرة!

Don’t see a feature you need for Ninja Forms? Just have a question about your WordPress forms? We strive to be the easiest, most beginner friendly WordPress contact form builder in the WordPress space while still bringing you all the form building features you need to succeed. Your feedback is invaluable to us, so don’t hesitate to reach out and make a request!


Ninja Forms is a 100% beginner friendly WordPress form builder, appropriate for complete beginners all the way to seasoned WordPress developers. We don’t just say it, we stand by it. Our support team is standing by to help you realize your site’s potential anywhere your forms are concerned.

Not sure if you can build the forms you need? Wondering if forms are the answer to do the thing you or your clients need to make happen? Reach out! Our dedicated, professional support team is happy to help however we can, and answer any questions you might have!

معلومات العلامة التجارية والعلامات التجارية الإضافية

Ninja Forms® is a registered trademark of Saturday Drive INC. We are a WordPress forms or WP forms builder, not to be confused with the independent WPForms brand for WordPress. All official Ninja Forms add-ons and memberships can be found on our official website, ninjaforms.com.

لقطات الشاشة

  • تجربة بناء الشكل الأكثر بديهية وجميلة
  • إعدادات الحقل
  • إعدادات متقدمة
  • أشكال جميلة في كل مرة!


This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.
1. Upload the ninja-forms plugin folder to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory
2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
3. Visit the ‘Ninja Forms’ menu item in your admin sidebar

Further Installation Documentation

الأسئلة المتكررّة

من يجب أن يستخدم Ninja Forms؟

تعتبر Ninja Forms مثالية لجميع مستويات مستخدمي ووردبريس. سواء كنت تبدأ مدونتك الأولى، أو تبيع منتجك أو خدمتك عبر الإنترنت، أو تصمم، أو تطور، أو أي شيء آخر، سوف تحصل على الأدوات التي تحتاجها. Ninja Forms هي أداة إنشاء نماذج السحب والإفلات في ووردبريس والتي ستساعدك على إنشاء نماذج ووردبريس المخصصة التي تحتاجها مثل المحترف مع أداة إنشاء نماذج السحب والإفلات سهلة الإستخدام.

هل أحتاج إلى معرفة أي رمز لإستخدام منشئ نماذج Ninja Forms؟

بالطبع لا. بينما تم تصميم Ninja Forms لتكون صديقة جداً للمطورين، لا يلزم أي مهارات برمجية على الإطلاق لإستخدام المكون الإضافي أو أي وظيفة إضافية.

هل تتوافق Ninja Forms مع الناتج المحلي الإجمالي؟

نعم. تحتوي Ninja Forms على مجموعة متنوعة من الميزات للإمتثال السهل والآلي للائحة العامة لحماية البيانات. يتضمن ذلك نماذج لطلبات المستخدمين الخاصة ببيانات التعريف الشخصية المتوفرة لديك.

هل يمكن إرسال بريد إلكتروني بإستخدام Ninja Forms؟

Yes! Any number of emails can be sent anytime a form is submitted. Every email sent from your WordPress forms can be customized, including form submission data, and supports attachments (can include WordPress file uploads). These emails can also be sent conditionally to certain recipients only, and can be set up to include a PDF copy of the form.

Having email deliverability issues with your current WordPress form plugin? We’ve also developed SendWP to work side by side with Ninja Forms to deliver your email ourselves with a 99.75% delivery success rate (and full support).

ما هي حقول النموذج المضمنة في Ninja Forms؟

لدى Ninja Forms حقل لكل حاجة تقريباً. فيما يلي حقول نموذج ووردبريس المضمنة في المكون الإضافي الأساسي لنموذج الاتصال Ninja Forms:

الحقول المشتركة
* نص سطر واحد
* نص فقرة
* قائمة الراديو
* اختر (قائمة منسدلة)
* تحديد متعدد
* اختر صورة
* خانة اختيار واحدة
* قائمة خانة الاختيار
* تاريخ
* إرسال

حقول معلومات المستخدم
* الاسم الأول
* الاسم الأخير
* البريد الإلكترونى
* رقم هاتف
* العنوان
* المدينة
* الولاية
* الدولة
* الرمز البريدي

حقول التخطيط
* Divider

مجالات متنوعة
* تأكيد
* مخفي
* رقم
* رمز تحقق (reCaptcha)
* مكافحة البريد العشوائي
* تقييم النجوم

Specialty Fields
Many more popular user fields like file uploads for WordPress and Save Progress can be added with Ninja Forms add-ons. Pick and choose just the ones you need!

يمكن إضافة حقول الدفع، مثل الإجمالي الفرعي والضرائب والإجمالي بإستخدام أي حقل مشترك لتسهيل نموذج الدفع أو نموذج الطلب أو نموذج الحجز أو أي نموذج دفع بإستخدام PayPal و Stripe وغيرها.

هل يمكن إستيراد/تصدير النماذج؟

من السهل بضغطة زر إستيراد/تصدير النماذج بين مواقع التدريج والمواقع الحية، تماماً مثل المقالات والصفحات التي تستخدم ميزات ووردبريس القياسية.

ما أنواع النماذج التي يمكن إنشاؤها بإستخدام نماذج Ninja Forms؟

يجعل منشئ نماذج السحب والإفلات لـ Ninja Forms لـ ووردبريس من السهل جداً إنشاء أنواع مختلفة لا حصر لها من النماذج. هذه ليست سوى بعض أنواع النماذج التي يمكنك إنشاؤها بإستخدام المكون الإضافي لنموذج الاتصال Ninja Forms:
* contact form
* email form
* custom form
* pdf form
* payment form
* registration form
* login form
* update profile form
* contact me
* signature form
* upload form
* file upload form
* conditional form,
* feedback form
* appointment form
* quote form
* survey form
* contact button form
* signup form
* subscription form
* email subscription form
* newsletter form
* donation form
* booking form
* event form
* quote request form
* multi page form
* conditional logic form
* subscription form
* application form
* employment verification form
* scholarship application form
* maintenance request form
* request form
* referral form
* volunteer form
* fundraising form
* MailChimp form
* Campaign Monitor form
* Constant Contact form
* Mailpoet form
* AWeber form
* CleveRreach form
* Emma form
* Convertkit form
* Active Campaign form
* Salesforce form
* Zoho form
* Capsule form
* Insightly form
* PipelineDeals form
* OnePageCRM form

هل يمكن دمج Ninja Forms مع خدمة التسويق عبر البريد الإلكتروني أو CRM أو أي خدمة مفضلة أخرى؟

Almost certainly. The Ninja Forms builder integrates directly with over a dozen email marketing and CRM services including MailChimp, Constant Contact, Active Campaign, Salesforce, Insightly, Zoho, and many more.

Ninja Forms also integrates with 1,000+ other popular services through our Zapier integration. Some of the more popular services that we see our users integrate flawlessly with include:
* Hubspot CRM
* HubSpot Email Marketing
* Discord
* Shopify
* GitHub
* Google Sheets
* Google Drive
* Dropbox
* Amazon S3
* Esignatures.io
* Approveme
* Signnow
* Docusign
* Zendesk
* Braintree
* Microsoft Office 365
* Microsoft Excel
* Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM
* LinkedIn
* Eventbrite
* Wunderlist
* Evernote
* Sakari SMS
* SendinBlue
* SugarCRM
* Asana
* Basecamp
* Todoist
* SurveyMonkey
* PipeDrive CRM
* Zoho Mail
* Zoho Invoice
* Agile CRM
* Infusionsoft
* Freshbooks
* Freshsales
* Intercom
* Click Funnels
* Printfection
* Acuity Scheduling
* Quickbooks Online

ما نوع الدعم المتاح لـ Ninja Forms؟

لدينا فريق دعم مخصص على الإستعداد لمساعدتك في أي شيء قد تحتاجه. نحن متواجدون من الساعة 9 صباحاً حتى 4 مساءاً بتوقيت شرق الولايات المتحدة، من الإثنين إلى الجمعة، ونسعى جاهدين للرد على جميع طلبات العملاء في غضون 24 ساعة.


25 أبريل، 2024 1 reply
I am a 'free' user of Ninja Forms. I have a small two-person business (only one is working) in the financial/banking industry. It's more of a hobby but generates some income to supplement my pension. My website is self-built, and Ninja Forms is a critical part of it. I have complex forms tied to 'Conditional Logic', which automates my administrative work. Ninja Forms has become indispensable to me. I recently encountered a formatting challenge and contacted Ninja Forms for help. As a free user, I did not expect a fast turnaround time and, probably, a generic response that would have left me with a half-solution. Man o' man. They surprised me!! Sam at Ninja Forms (give that man a Bell's) found the problem, gave me a full workup on how to fix it (OK, I had to do it manually on my side), and included a nice 'turn of phrase' which is specific to my country. (I'm in Africa). He made me feel like I have family in Ninja Forms. There are not enough star options to accurately reflect my satisfaction. I would give 200% for technical assistance, 200% for going beyond what I expected, and 200% for the warm and intuitive manner in Sam's dealings with, essentially, a stranger on the other side of the planet. If I could say one word about Ninja Forms support, it would be..... .... Wow!!!
18 أبريل، 2024 1 reply
Had a challenge come up with a client. Went searching for a solution and Ninja Forms knocked it out of the park! So simple to setup and use. Love it and will use their forms again!
11 أبريل، 2024 1 reply
I am newly back to Ninja after a hiatus and struggled with a little problem connecting up to Mailchimp. The Ninja support people got me back on track in nothing flat. Thanks!
8 أبريل، 2024 1 reply
Customer support was very speedy and got back to me with a solution within a day. Thank you for your great product and for your great support!
3 أبريل، 2024
I've been using this plugin on a site for over a year, thinking it had more potential to create a professional form, and I've given it a chance update after update, but it's quite bad. I compare it with contact forms, Elementor forms, or even WPForms. On Safari or Apple devices, it looks horrendous, has problems with Google's captcha, and support has never existed. I spent a lot of time trying to seek help through various channels, but the responses were vague and uncertain. For now, I have it installed because I don't have more options due to time constraints, but as soon as I have some time, I will remove it and use one of the alternatives, since it is by far the worst option of all.
إقرأ جميع المراجعات 1٬227

المساهمون والمطوّرون

“استمارات ونماذج الاتصال من نينجا فورمز- أداة إنشاء الاستمارات بالسحب والإفلات لـ ووردبريس” هو برنامج مفتوح المصدر. وقد ساهم هؤلاء الأشخاص بالأسفل في هذه الإضافة.


لقد تم ترجمة ”استمارات ونماذج الاتصال من نينجا فورمز- أداة إنشاء الاستمارات بالسحب والإفلات لـ ووردبريس“ إلى 25 لغة. شكراً إلى جميع المُترجمين لمُساهماتهم.

ترجمة ”استمارات ونماذج الاتصال من نينجا فورمز- أداة إنشاء الاستمارات بالسحب والإفلات لـ ووردبريس“ إلى لغتك.

مُهتم بالتطوير؟

تصفّح الشفرة، تحقق من مستودع SVN، أو الاشتراك في سجل التطوير بواسطة RSS.

سجل التغييرات

= 3.8.2 (29 March 2024)
* Bug Fixes: *
– Allow default span tags in form labels

= 3.8.1 (27 March 2024)
* Bug Fixes: *
– Ensure submission exports can’t be called from any unintended pages
– Prevent injected scripts into submit button and advanced labels
– Prevent XSS on image lists

  • Other: *
  • Update add-on images

= 3.8.0 (20 February 2024)
* Features: *
– Add ‘referer URL’ merge tag

  • Bug Fixes: *
  • Prevent display error when date format is not set
  • Ensure current date stored when default is not modified
  • Ensure translation of date strings

  • Other: *

  • Add user help text and images
  • Add automated tests

= 3.7.3 (12 February 2024)
* Bug Fixes: *
– Update code for PHP 8.3

  • Other: *
  • Add in-app documentation text and links
  • Add scroll bar for long vertical content

= 3.7.2 (29 January 2024)
* Bug Fixes: *
– Prevent form display on password protected page
– Sanitize email address on data export request; responsibly reported by stealthcopter via Wordfence

= 3.7.1 (23 January 2024)
* Bug Fixes: *
– Prevent deprecated warning from license updater
– Ensure date picker calendar view honors date range year limits
– Improved management of submission expiration request
– Prevent autocomplete on fields set to disable autocomplete
– Prevent error when fetching add-on list

  • Other: *
  • Add second “Add New Field” control for enhanced user experience
  • Update JS libraries
  • Update WP scripts and block utilities
  • Update UTM links

= 3.7.0 (07 November 2023)
* Features:*
– Ability to preserve ‘extra’ data after redirect

  • Bug Fixes: *
  • Ensure extra data on CSV export is in correct chronological order

  • Other: *

  • Updated end to end test

= 3.6.34 (11 October 2023)

  • Bug Fixes: *
  • Prevent script triggers in field labels
  • Ensure needed export data present before action

  • Other: *

  • Update to country list
  • Close notice from bulk export results

= 3.6.33 (3 October 2023)

  • Bug Fixes: *
  • Error re-triggering email action when PDF is active
  • Display anonymized repeater field data in submissions
  • Error on missing class name
  • Remove Max-width CSS being applied to form content
  • misspelled text fixes

  • Other *

  • Dependencies bumps= 3.6.32 (21 September 2023)

  • Bug Fixes: *

  • rePrints data on the template for the frontend in order to prevent conflicts with other plugins
  • checks if the description of fields in the builder is set before running trim

= 3.6.31 (19 September 2023)

  • Bug Fixes: *
  • Fixes form not displaying and form stuck on processing from jQuery trim() failure on non-string

  • Other: *

  • Remove old promotions banner

= 3.6.30 (14 September 2023)

  • Bug Fixes: *
  • Form should now submit properly if submit button label and processing label match.
  • Ensure forms display on themes using wp_localize_script

  • Other: *

  • Remove support for NF 2.9
  • JS dependency updates: update to React 18, WordPress block editor/scripts/server side render/i18n, babel-jest, core-js

= 3.6.29 (16 August 2023)

Bug fixes:
* Fix submission retrieval error missing submissions within time stamp on date
* Ensure 7.4-required functionality doesn’t trigger warnings

* Update library for autonumeric, WP scripts
* Update tested up to, now 6.3 was 6.2.2

= 3.6.28 (06 July 2023)

Bug fixes:
* Correct issue that prevented form deletion

= 3.6.27 (04 July 2023)

Bug fixes:
* Use static call for class name for PHP 7 support

= 3.6.26 (04 July 2023)

* Ensure minimum required version on packages

Security Enhancements:
* Prevent unauthorized download of submission
* Prevent scripts in dashboard field labels; responsibly reported by Sayandeep Dutta
* Prevent front-facing label scripts; responsibly reported by Jonathon Zamora & WordPress.org
* Prevent excess extra data through automated form submission
* Prevent override access where not permitted

= 3.6.25 (14 June 2023)
Bug Fixes:
– Remove duplicate radio bubble on opionated styles mobile
– Restrict delete file route to uploads directory

– Bump @wordpress/jest-preset-default from 10.9.0 to 11.4.0 #6579
– Bump core-js from 3.30.1 to 3.30.2 #6578
– Bump axe-core from 4.7.0 to 4.7.1 #6577
– Bump @wordpress/components from 23.9.0 to 24.0.0 #6576
– Bump @babel/core from 7.21.5 to 7.21.8 #6575
– Prototype Pollution in lodash
– Regular Expression Denial of Service in trim
– glob-parent before 5.1.2 vulnerable to Regular Expression Denial of Service in enclosure regex
– Uncontrolled Resource Consumption in trim-newlines
– Inefficient Regular Expression Complexity in nth-check

= 3.6.24 (12 May 2023)
Bug Fixes:
– Prevent bypass of required field with modified data
– Prevent datepicker to break the view when set with 0 minutes increment
– Prevent Submit button to double submit a form

= 3.6.23 (26 April 2023)
Bug Fixes:
– Ensure HTML fields load merge data
– Add fieldset repeater uploads to CSV and emails

= 3.6.22 (20 April 2023)
Bug Fixes:
– Prevent possible XSS vulnerability

= 3.6.21 (12 April 2023)
Bug Fixes:
– Ensure cron_interval value is integer
– Ensure option definition value has fallback value
– Ensure cache update process doesn’t break on errant stored data
– Replace deprecated use of self in callable
– Use form Id to filter field searches for faster response

= 3.6.20 (14 March 2023)
Bug Fixes:
– Error management in Repeater fieldsets (fields inside repeater fieldsets now respond to frontend validation)
– Display repeater field data in HTML field via merge tags
– Include Repeater data in CSVs when the repeater wasn’t repeated
– Display repeater data in retrigger email actions (and its CSV)
– Display Correct repeater child fields labels in emails
– Display repeater description on form
– Ensure correct rendering of date field in repeaters
– CSVs now display repeaters data as one row for each fieldset

Fixes for extensions:
– Save progress display repeater field without errors
– Multi-part compatibility display repeater field, with merge tags and data saved correctly

= 3.6.19 (22 February 2023)
Bug Fixes:
– Migrate/update jBox library
– Ensure language filter results are passed to downstream filters
– Prevent non-string math error

– Add version checks for extensions

= 3.6.18 (16 February 2023)
Bug Fixes:
– Prevent deprecated warning null preg_match_all
– Ensure empty form does not throw error on preview
– Ensure array for currency doesn’t throw fatal error
– Declare previously undeclared properties (PHP 8)
– Prevent undefined array key error
– Ensure missing key in recaptcha field doesn’t fail

= 3.6.17 (8 February 2023)
Bug Fixes:
– Ensure HTML injected in label is sanitized
– Correct typo in date format for option DD/MM/YYYY
– Ensure GMT offset setting does not prevent submissions page display
– Prevent deprecated notice on empty merge tag “other”
– Prevent deprecated notice for jsonSerialize
– Prevent deprecated notice for passing null value

= 3.6.16 (18 January 2023)
Bug Fixes:
* Import buffer class to re-enable download as PDF
Other Enhancements:
* Add code coverage reporting

3.6.15 (10 January 2023)

Bug Fixes:
* Resolves add-on manager fatal error
* Prevents image in HTML loading error for WP 6.1
* Correct multiple accessibility warnings
* Enables empty step in number field
* Enables default zero value
Other Enhancements:
* Update ‘tested to’
* Set resolutions to prevent vulnerable child dependencies

3.6.14 (2 September 2022)

Bug Fixes:
* Fixes an issue with trailing commas
* Fixes an issue for some users on PHP7.4 and below.
Other Enhancements:
* Update ‘tested to’

3.6.13 (30 August 2022)

Bug Fixes:
* Prevent object wakeup in unserialize
* Correct errant variable name is submissions check
Other Enhancements:
* Smart suggestions for extensions
* Update ‘tested to’

3.6.12 (22 June 2022)

Bug Fixes:
* Fixed naming collision with reCaptcha cookie check
* HTML re-enabled in field labels for users with correct capabilities
* Removed orphaned repeater field setting from advanced settings
* Fixed form imports for non-UTF-8 encoded files

3.6.11 (14 June 2022)

Security Enhancements
* Apply more strict sanitization to merge tag values

3.6.10 (07 June 2022)

Bug Fixes:
* Retrigger emails from Submissions page if form only has 1 Email Action
* Invalid Date message triggered by Date Picker Field
* Typo in Delete Form popup
* Importing a form sets the Step value of any Number field to 1, regardless of the Export value
* Front End Checkbox/Radio lists are not keyboard accessible
* Form Preview Page does not work in themes that enable full site editor
* Public link not working in some themes
* Checkbox Fields with a checked calc value of 0 evaluate to 1 in JS
* Activating Layouts & Styles removes merge tags from email actions until the form is republished
* Trigger error when cookies for reCaptcha v3 were not allowed ( Implemented with hooks )
* Submissions page select dates filter restored

Security Enhancements
* Improve escaping on field template labels and values reported responsibly by Ryan at WP Scan
* Improve sanitization of label values
* Improve authorization check for field imports

3.6.9 (24 March 2022)

Bug Fixes:
Restore “Download All Submissions” functionality

= 3.6.8 (14 March 2022)

Bug Fixes:
Correct Repeatable Fieldset CSV output, was Array Array Array
Add “Trash” view to React submissions page
Fix broken submission view when Date field added to converted CF form

Security Enhancements
Remove CSV temp files stored in publicly accessible location, reported responsibly by Agence Web Coheractio – Paris at https://www.coheractio.com

= 3.6.7 (30 November 2021)

Bug Fixes:

  • Fix Danish/Finnish language halts submissions page display
  • Exclude confirm field from submission data
  • Scroll list fields to prevent extremely tall rows
  • Correctly display checkbox value in submission table
  • Fix PHP warning on column control
  • Remove note, html, submit, confirm fields from CSV export
  • Use set date format on CSV export
  • Prevent XSS in form title

= 3.6.6 (15 November 2021)

Bug Fixes:

  • Rename ‘store submission’ to record submission’
  • Enable extra data column headers in CSV export
  • Use admin labels in tables and export

= 3.6.5 (04 November 2021)

Bug Fixes:

  • Ensure submission column selections are remembered for next viewing
  • Ensure date time is properly displayed in submission popup editor
  • Display calculations metabox in submissions
  • Add temporary submissions page rollback option
  • Fix failing search results on submissions page
  • Ensure checkbox displays correct value, not always ‘checked’

= 3.6.4 (25 October 2021)


  • Prevent data timeout error by reducing size of initial submission request
  • Prevent SQL injection from field key
  • Prevent overwriting of ConvertKit action name during import
  • Ensure forms that don’t have email actions appear in submission page list

= 3.6.3 (18 October 2021)


  • Update submission link on form dashboard
  • Check for CF database before adding CF data source

= 3.6.2 (12 October 2021)


  • Ensure submissions appear when timezone setting puts submission ahead of current timestamp

= 3.6.1 (11 October 2021)


  • Move sequence id from submission editing to metadata
  • Use correct popup for autogenerate Add New modals


  • Ignore build files from commit

= 3.6.0 (04 October 2021)


  • Enable display of Caldera Forms submissions in Ninja Forms submission table


  • Prevent button field from being used through search function (14 June 2022)

Security Enhancements
* Apply more strict sanitization to merge tag values

= (22 September 2021)


  • Ensure sanitized values enables spaces between classNames

= (21 September 2021)


  • Ensure cached value of form is stored with sanitized value

= (15 September 2021)


  • Resolved security vulnerability of admin+ stored XSS on form design

= 3.5.8 (07 September 2021)


  • Resolved security vulnerability in the submissions route. Responsibly reported by Chloe Chamberland at Wordfence.
  • Resolved an issue that rarely caused submission to fail on forms containing a multiselect field.


  • Updated several of our build dependency packages.
  • Automated build and deploy to SVN.

3.5.7 (5 July 2021)


  • Resolved an error that was causing the plugin to crash on sites using a PHP version below 7.0.

3.5.6 (29 June 2021)


  • Bulk resend email should now properly populate the email subject line instead of using a default value.
  • Repeatable fieldset data should now display properly in the submission block.
  • Corrected an issue that was preventing forms from displaying when repeatable fieldsets contained a date field, a rich text enabled paragraph field, or a field with a custom mask.
  • When set, the submission limit should now be properly enforced on submissions made via forms loaded before the limit was reached.
  • Move to trash should once more be available in the bulk actions on the submissions page.

3.5.5 (07 June 2021)


  • Added support for Google Recaptcha V3.
  • Added a new option to resend email actions from the submissions table.
  • Added the ability to export multiple form submission CSVs at once.
  • Escape query args for enhanced security – Responsibly reported by Erwan at WP Scan


  • Fixed a bug that caused an extra : to be shown in the date field on older forms.
  • Fixed a bug with field settings that caused some settings to not show when they should have.
  • Multiple Recaptchas on the same page should work properly.

3.5.4 (21 April 2021)


  • The Date Field is now the Date/Time Field. This field now allows for Date, Time, and Date & Time selection.


  • Fixed a bug that caused ReCaptcha fields to fail if more than one appeared on the page.
  • Fixed a conflict with iThemes that was causing a fatal error.

3.5.3 (1 April 2021)


  • Final deprecation phase of Ninja Forms 2.9x codebase.

3.5.2 (24 March 2021)


  • Removed some legacy settings that were no longer required for new installs.


  • Resolved an issue that was causing errors when Array values were used in API requests.
  • The Ninja Forms block should now fill the entire width of the block editor.
  • Fixed an error that was causing a depreciated method warning when using the classic editor.
  • Forms should now display again in Internet Explorer 11.
  • Resolved an issue that was causing the Ninja Forms dashboard to crash if there was an issue with wp_cron.
  • Fixed some PHP warnings related to our checkbox list field.

3.5.1 (17 February 2021)


  • Resolved an issue that was always causing required checkbox list fields to throw a required error on submission.
  • The Ninja Forms block should now properly display the form in the page editor if WordPress has been installed in a subdirectory.
  • Cleaned up a few notices and warnings that were displaying on sites running PHP 8.

3.5.0 (15 February 2021)


  • Repeatable Fieldsets have arrived! For a quick look at how to get those setup, check out our new documenation for them.


  • Our block editor code should now only load on pages where it is actually needed, leading to less page load time in the admin dashboard. (14 June 2022)

Security Enhancements
* Apply more strict sanitization to merge tag values (8 February 2021)


  • Added a missing permissions check in our services connection manager reported responsibly by Chloe Chamberland at Wordfence.
  • Patched a potential XSS vulnerability in our querystring merge tag.
  • Added a missing filter that should have been excluding some personal information fields from the CSV attachment on Email Actions.

3.4.34 (25 January 2021)


  • Forms should once again load properly in Internet Explorer 11.
  • Single checkbox fields should now properly display their values in the submission table.
  • Updated our dashboard styling to resolve an issue where some translations were resulting in action buttons being obscured.
  • Restored drag and drop functionality for adding fields in the form builder.


  • Patched a couple of vulnerabilities in our services oAuth controller reported responsibly by Chloe Chamberland at Wordfence.

3.4.33 (9 December 2020)


  • Cleaned up a few conflicts with WordPress version 5.6.
    • Toggle switches in the form builder should now be working as expected.
    • Pre-selected options for lists should now persist properly in the form builder.
    • Element styling of some buttons should properly reflect the active or inactive status of the button.

3.4.32 (16 November 2020)


  • Patched an issue with our new date field library that was causing it to display improperly on some mobile devices.

3.4.31 (12 November 2020)


  • Our date field library has been updated! For you developer types out there, we’ve switched from pikaday to flatpickr.
  • Updated some of our form builder scripts in preparation for WordPress 5.6.


  • Fixed a visual issue that sometimes allowed the Ninja Forms Dashboard view to extend beyond the width of the browser window.
  • Resolved an error that sometimes caused an error message to appear when loading the Dashboard for the first time on a new installation.
  • Resolved an error in our termslist field that caused the form builder to crash if you opened a form that was previously mapped to a term that had been deleted.
  • Resolved an error that was sometimes causing PDF exports or emails with PDF attachments to fail.

3.4.30 (22 September 2020)


  • تمّ حل مشكلة تسببت في حدوث خطأ فادح في المواقع التي تعمل بإصدار PHP 5.6 أو أقدم.

3.4.29 (18 September 2020)


  • تمّ إضافة التبعية المفقودة للإضافات الخاصة بنا.

3.4.28 (18 September 2020)


  • وصلت إضافات جدول المشاهدات!
  • تمّ تحديث قالب Ninja Forms ليكون أكثر إنسجاماً مع إتفاقيات Gutenberg الحالية.
  • تحسين كفاءة عمليات التحقق من حد التقديم.
  • يمكن الآن ربط خدمة SendWP بلوحة معلومات Ninja Forms.
  • التطبيقات، يتم الآن تجميع عمليات التكامل حسب الفئة لتسهيل الفرز.
  • تمّ تحديث تباين الألوان لمنشئ النموذج ليكون متوافقًا مع WCAG.
  • يتطلب الإجراء المخصص الآن تمكين وضع المطور.
  • تمّ تحديث قالب نموذج تحميل الملف.


  • تمّ تصحيح اسم مرشح غير صحيح لحفظ إعدادات الإجراء.
  • تنظيف بعض التعليمات البرمجية التي تم تجاوزها بشكل غير صحيح على صفحة الحصول على المساعدة.
  • رسومات محدثة مرتبطة بإضافاتنا لجعلها تعرض بشكل صحيح.
  • تمّ تصحيح مشكلة تسببت في عدم قيام حقل كلمة المرور في صفحة الإعدادات بحفظ القيم بشكل صحيح.
  • تمّ زيادة أولوية فئة أداة إنشاء النماذج لدينا لضمان تحميلها بشكل صحيح فوق العناصر الأخرى في الصفحة.
  • لم يعد تكرار الحقل يحدّث بشكل غير صحيح هدف العمليات الحسابية.
  • تمّ تصحيح ترتيب عناصر القائمة الفرعية.


  • تمّ إضافة ميزة الهروب لمحتوى HTML للحقول الموجودة في جدول استمارات التقديم. (17 September 2020)


  • Patched a CSRF vulnerability in our services integration reported responsibly by Slavco Mihajloski.
  • Patched a validation bypass vulnerability in our email field.

3.4.27 (9 September 2020)


  • تمّ حل مشكلة تسببت في بعض الأحيان في عدم فتح قائمة علامات الدمج بشكل صحيح في منشئ النماذج.

3.4.26 (25 August 2020)


  • Sites with WP_DEBUG enabled should no longer display a deprecated parent error on PHP version 7.4.
  • Resolved an issue that was preventing our Screen Options settings from being saved on the submissions page.

3.4.25 (12 August 2020)


  • تمّ حل مشكلة تسببت في تغيير الإعدادات بإستخدام مفتاح التبديل لعدم حفظها في ووردبريس 5.5. (21 May 2020)


  • Patched an HTML injection vulnerability in our deprecated 2.9x codebase reported responsibly by Dave Job.


  • تمّ تصحيح خطأ في التحقق من صحة الحقل المطلوب والذي كان يسمح بالبريد العشوائي المستهدف من خلال استمارات التقديم. (28 April 2020)


  • Fixed Cross-Site Request Forgery(CSRF) to stored Cross-Site Scripting(XSS) reported responsibly by Ramuel Gall (Wordfence Threat Intelligence Team). (5 March 2020)


  • تمّ تصحيح ثغرة أمنية في إدخال HTML في نظام علامات الدمج. شكراً جزيلاً لتوم ستاندلي في شركة كونتاكو لممارسة الإفصاح المسؤول.

3.4.24 (2 March 2020)


  • يجب أن تعمل عوامل تصفية أذونات المستخدم الآن كما هو متوقع.
  • يجب أن يعمل تحديد حقول الصورة الآن بشكل صحيح عند تعطيل وضع dev.
  • تمّ حل خطأ تسبب في تحذيرات PHP في بعض إستدعاءات API.
  • الآن يجب أن تقرأ إعدادات البريد الإلكتروني بشكل صحيح عناوين البريد الإلكتروني المحاطة بالشخصيات.
  • تمّ حل خطأ تسبب في إهمال تحذيرات الوظيفة في سجلات أخطاء PHP.
  • يجب الآن عرض النماذج ذات العمليات الحسابية بشكل صحيح على المواقع التي تستخدم إعداد اللغة “الرسمية”.
  • يجب أن يظهر التصدير الآن بشكل صحيح كخيار في الإجراءات المجمعة على صفحة عمليات الإرسال.
  • تمّ حل الخطأ الذي كان يمنع مدير الوظائف الإضافية من تثبيت المكونات الإضافية.


  • ستعمل تحديثات الوظائف الإضافية الآن على فرض متطلبات PHP إذا كان الإصدار الحالي على التثبيت أقل من الحد الأدنى للوظيفة الإضافية.

3.4.23 (12 February 2020)


  • تمّ تصحيح ثغرة XSS المتأخرة في إجراء البريد الإلكتروني الخاص بنا.
  • تمّ تشديد أمان التفويض على صفحة الإعدادات الخاصة بنا.
  • تمّ تصحيح ثغرة XSS مخزنة في صفحة الإعدادات الخاصة بنا.


  • يجب أن تحترم Ninja Forms الآن بشكل صحيح إعدادات لغة ملف تعريف المستخدم إذا لم تكن هي الموقع الافتراضي.
  • يجب ألا يؤدي فتح منشئ النماذج بعد الآن إلى تحذير PHP حول وسيطة غير صالحة.
  • نظف كود النشر الخاص بنا لتجنب بعض تحذيرات PHP الأخرى.


  • تمً تحديث نموذج تسجيل الأحداث لدينا ليكون أكثر توافقاً مع إمكانية الوصول. (4 February 2020)


  • تمّ تقوية أمان التفويض في العديد من نقاط نهاية النموذج لدينا.
  • تمّ تدقيق جميع وظائف الترجمة لمنع الهجمات.

3.4.22 (21 November 2019)


  • يجب ألا يؤدي تقييد الحقل الفريد إلى منع إستكمال إجراءات الدفع.
  • تمّ تصحيح الخطأ الذي كان يمنع القائمة الحالية لحقول المفضلة من العرض في أي مكان.
  • تمّ تحديث بعض أنماط الباني لدينا لحساب التحديثات في ووردبريس 5.3.
  • تمّ تصحيح الخطأ الذي تسبب في بعض الأحيان في عدم العثور على الصور في حقل تحديد الصورة.
  • تعطيل وظيفة تسجيل الأخطاء الداخلية التي كانت تسبب أحياناً سخاماً في جداول قاعدة البيانات الخاصة بنا.


  • تدعم إجراءات البريد الإلكتروني الآن مرفقات الملفات من مكتبة وسائط ووردبريس.

3.4.21 (11 November 2019)


  • تمّ إضافة تسمية مفقودة إلى حقل موضع الجذب الخاص بنا، في حالة ظهور أخطاء في التصميم بطريقة ما.
  • تمّ إزالة رسالة وحدة تحكم خاطئة من لوحة تحكم المسؤول لدينا.
  • تمّ حل مشكلة كانت تؤدي أحياناً إلى كتابة تحذيرات في السجلات عند تحميل النموذج.
  • تمّ تعديل إضافة Gutenberg الخاصة بنا لمنع عرضها بشكل غير صحيح على تركيبات Bedrock.


  • وصل حقل اختيار الصورة!
  • تمّ إضافة وظيفة لإعادة تعيين الارتباط العام في نموذج.
  • يمكن الآن فرز النماذج الموجودة في لوحة المعلومات حسب رمز المعرف (ID).
  • تمّ إضافة علامات دمج لعنوان النموذج ومعرف النموذج واسم المستخدم (إذا تمت مصادقته).

3.4.20 (19 September 2019)


  • تمّ حل مشكلة كانت تتسبب في فشل الروابط العامة في النماذج المكررة.
  • يجب ألا يظهر مربع محدد علامات الدمج في منشئ النموذج بعد الآن خارج الصفحة على أحجام شاشة أصغر.
  • يجب ألا تتسبب مفاتيح الحقول الطويلة في إخفاء قائمة علامات الدمج عن الفئات الموجودة في مربع محدد علامات الدمج.
  • تمّ حل مشكلة كانت تتسبب في فشل بعض الإجراءات بعد الرجوع من بوابة دفع مُعاد توجيهها.
  • يجب أن تظهر خيارات حقل القائمة في النماذج المستوردة الآن بالترتيب الصحيح في منشئ النموذج.

3.4.19 (16 September 2019)


  • Resolved an error that rarely caused form import to output as successful, when it had actually failed.
  • The unique field restriction should no longer honor “nothing” as a valid value.
  • Removed some deprecated dependencies that were throwing notices in the block editor.
  • تمّ تحديث إستيراد عنصر حقل القائمة في منشئ النموذج.

3.4.18 (15 August 2019)


  • SendWP registration should no longer cause an error when the SendWP plugin is already installed.
  • Resolved an issue that was causing several of our action settings to display improperly in Firefox.
  • Corrected a problem that was sometimes causing submission of forms with a PayPal action to fail.


  • Added currency support for the Chinese Yuan.

3.4.17 (12 August 2019)


  • Removed an outdated template that was localizing a couple server variables.


  • Currency masks should no longer prevent text fields from working properly in calculations.
  • Cleaned up a few php notices due to older functions.
  • Corrected the issue that was preventing required updates from completing. (Required updates remain disabled for the time being.)
  • Number fields with a minimum value will now display that value as a placeholder, not a value.
  • Switched the first and last name translations in our French translation pack.
  • Added a missing attribute that was required by screen readers to the fields on our submission editor page.
  • Resolved an error that was causing multi-select lists to not work properly in calculations.
  • Submission limits should now be honored for forms that were displayed before the limit was reached.
  • Dynamic option values should now work for ALL list types.
  • Resolved an issue that was causing forms to display as code in some page builders.


  • The Advanced tab in the form builder should now communicate that developer mode is disabled, if that is the case.
  • Added currency support for the Russian Ruble.

3.4.16 (19 June 2019)


  • Temporarily disabled required updates in order to investigate a reported issue with them freezing.

3.4.15 (18 June 2019)


  • Resolved an issue that sometimes caused the form dashboard to not display.

3.4.14 (18 June 2019)


  • Resolved an issue that sometimes caused required updates to fail due to allowed server memory.
  • Public form link should now be more reliable without needing to update site permalinks.
  • Corrected a typo in the shortcode output of the Display Your Form settings.
  • Dailed back our add-on updater script. It was checking for updates too often.
  • Resolved an issue that was sometimes causing form submission to hang on processing, even though it had finished submitting data.
  • Corrected a typo in the help text for auto-adding a submit button.
  • Dynamic options in lists should now work properly everywhere, not just on form display.
  • Fixed a couple of broken links on our Get Help page.
  • The public link setting should no longer appear on the dashboard for forms where it is not enabled.


  • Updated our Details page in the WordPress repo.
  • Date fields can no longer be added to calculations.

3.4.13 (17 May 2019)


  • Restored the display of some action settings that were being improperly hidden in the form builder. (e.g. Stripe metadata and Update Profile custom meta.)
  • Resolved an issue that sometimes caused submission to freeze when a required field was left empty.
  • Forms should no longer fail to display when a total field is referenced in a calculation.

3.4.12 (13 May 2019)


  • Updated our form load process to better account for reported excessive page load times.
  • Resolved an issue that was causing various add-ons to behave strangely when there were multiple forms on a single page.


  • “Light” opinionated styles are now enabled by default on new Ninja Forms installations.

3.4.11 (7 May 2019)


  • Multiple instances of the same form can now be loaded on a page.
  • Resolved an issue that sometimes prevented favorite fields from being added to a form.
  • Realistic preview of multiselect fields will now render more accurately in the builder.
  • Resolved an issue that sometimes caused required updates to miscommunicate completion progress.
  • Field keys should once more be accessible in submission filters.
  • Querystring merge tags should no longer display their tags when the querystring is not present.
  • Builder help texts should no longer contain unrendered HTML elements.


  • Added currency support for the Malaysian Ringgit.
  • Added realistic field support for the save button and password field in the form builder.
  • Some settings have been registered as developer options, which will be disabled by default to avoid settings clutter.
  • Public links are now available for Ninja Forms! Found next to the publish button, public links provide form access to anyone with the link. Just copy and paste the unique URL and anyone can see and use your form.

3.4.10 (15 April 2019)


  • Resolved an issue that caused the form builder to crash when editing forms that had a select list with no options.

3.4.9 (10 April 2019)


  • Resolved an issue that sometimes caused submission dates to show inaccurately in the submissions table.


  • We’ve upgraded our form building experience with realistic field representations!

3.4.8 (4 April 2019)


  • Corrected an issue that sometimes caused forms with large calculations to not display properly.

3.4.7 (3 April 2019)


  • Resolved an error that was causing form submission to fail on some php versions.

3.4.6 (2 April 2019)


  • Resolved several issues that sometimes caused notices to be logged on newer versions of php.
  • Changed the priority of the redirect action so that it should always fire last.
  • Calculations should now have more consistent results when numbers are input in international formats.


  • The following field types have been deprecated: Product, Quantity, Shipping, Total.

3.4.5 (19 March 2019)


  • Upgrade to THREE for legacy users will …