إضافة bbPress


هل تبحث عن لوحة مناقشة منظمة، أنيقة ومبسطة؟ إن bbPress سهلة الدمج، سهلة الاستخدام، ومبنية على قابلية التوسع مع مجتمعك المتنامي.

إضافة bbPress هو برنامج منتدى مقصودًا ببساطته ولكنه قوي بشكل لا نهائي، صممه المساهمون في WordPress

لقطات الشاشة

  • المنتديات – واجهة المسؤول
  • المواضيع – واجهة المسؤول
  • الردود – واجهة المسؤول
  • الإعدادات – واجهة المسؤول
  • الإعدادات 2 – واجهة المسؤول
  • القوالب – واجهة المسؤول
  • منتدى مفرد – القالب الافتراضي


من لوحة تحكم ووردبريس الخاصة بك

  1. زيارة “الإضافات > إضافة جديد”
  2. ابحث عن “bbPress”
  3. قم بتفعيل bbPress من صفحة الإضافات الخاصة بك. (سيتم الترحيب بك بصفحة ترحيب.)

من WordPress.org

  1. تنزيل bbPress.
  2. رفع الـ “bbpress” إلى المسار “/wp-content/plugins/”، باستخدام طريقتك المفضلة (ftp، sftp، scp، الخ…)
  3. قم بتفعيل bbPress من صفحة الإضافات الخاصة بك. (سيتم الترحيب بك بصفحة ترحيب.)

عند التفعيل

  1. Visit ‘Forums > Add New’ and create some forums. (You can always delete these later.)
  2. If you have pretty permalinks enabled, visit example.com/forums/, or if you do not have pretty permalinks enabled, visit example.com?post_type=forum
  3. Visit ‘Settings > Forums’ and configure the settings to best match the needs of your community.
  4. Visit ‘Tools > Forums > Import Forums’ if you have an existing forum to convert to bbPress.

عند التكوين

  • bbPress comes with a robust theme-compatibility API that does its best to make bbPress look and feel right with just-about any WordPress theme. You may need to adjust some styling on your own to make everything look pristine.
  • You may want to customize the register/activation/sign-in/lost-password flows, to better suit your site. bbPress comes with a bevy of shortcodes to make this possible, listed here: https://codex.bbpress.org/shortcodes/
  • bbPress also comes with built-in support for Akismet and BuddyPress, two very popular and very powerful WordPress plugins. If you’re using either, visit your Forum Settings page and ensure that integration appears correct.


21 سبتمبر، 2024
very useless plugin, they still not release buddypress compatible version . they do not reply in support because of bbpress latest version it destroy my lots of functionality which are based on AJAX method. i hope they solved all issue as soon as possible.
14 سبتمبر، 2024
Tried to install: keymaster issue (so, cannot work at all). fixed keymaster issue with bbp style plugin (a plugin to fix another plugin looks insane), now blank page. tried to fix also this via bbp plugin, a lot of graphical glitch and shortcode not parsed. atm (from some years now) is really unusable.
22 أغسطس، 2024
On 8 inch tablet, single topic page layout is consisted of 2 columns, this layout is same as BBPress page you see on PC’s bigger screen. BBPress’ 1 column layout you see on mobile phones should be applied on Tablets like iPads as well! You see 1 column layout BBPress topic page on this Official Wordpress.org forum pages already. Hope they officially change the BBPress topic page layout to 1 column soon and let us download new version of it.
15 أغسطس، 2024
I needed a tool to convert a phpBB forum to Wordpress and this plugin did a great job. More than 1000 users, all forums and topics with answers were imported in a few minutes without a single error. It’s a cool plug-in for me.
1 يوليو، 2024
Just use the miriad of forum software that’s still being maintained out there. This hasn’t been touched in 2 years. If automatic don’t bother updating it why would I bother installing it? and don’t tell me the software is already perfect cos it barely works if the planets align.
29 يونيو، 2024
I tried out several forums and bbPress was the only one that worked for me. I can’t remember what I was trying to do at the time, but maybe I was trying to delete users and not get error messages from the forum plugin. bbPress worked without problems. I did have to do some work to make the forum look nicer in appearance. But after that bbPress works perfectly.
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