هذه الإضافة لم يتم تحديثها وتجربتها لأكثر من 3 إصدارات ووردبريس رئيسية. قد لا تكون خاضعة للصيانة أو تقدم الدعم والمساعدة بالوقت الحالي وقد تكون بها مشاكل في التوافق عند إستخدامها مع إصدارات حديثة من ووردبريس.

Woo Custom Taxonomies Coupons


Apply Coupons to Custom taxonomies using the Woo Coupons System.
Discount type of Coupon must be the “Fixed cart discount”.
Download the zip folder and upload it as normal WordPress Plugin.
This plugin adds the ability to select one or multiple taxonomies including products categories, tags and custom taxonomies and applies the coupon

لقطات الشاشة


To install Woo Custom Taxonomies Coupons, follows the steps below:

  1. Download and unzip the plugin
  2. Upload the entire woo-taxonomy-coupon/ directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  3. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress
  4. Go to the coupon edit page and in the box that appears below select the taxonomy you need

Another way to install and activate the plugin:

  1. Go to the plugins sections in WordPress
  2. Press the “Add New” button at top of page
  3. Type the plugin name “Woo Custom Taxonomies Coupons”
  4. Finally, install and activate the plugin


17 سبتمبر، 2021
Thanks for this plugin! I managed to create custom taxonomies’ coupons for my customers. Keep the good work!!! I recommend!
10 مايو، 2021 1 reply
Thanks @romchyk16 for this plugin. Like @abisewski I was unable to get this to work and have spent a couple of hours debugging it. Despite an invalid coupon being present for my custom taxonomy, it was still being applied. Why was this? Well, the plugin runs on the woocommerce_coupon_is_valid_for_product filter. This was not being run because the coupon was set for a percentage or fixed cart discount. The filter that this plugin runs on only applies to a Fixed Product Discount. So, please update the plugin with an instruction that the coupon Discount type needs to be Fixed Product Discount. Thanks, all working now 🙂
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