

Valink allows you to easily retrieve direct links to specific variations of WooCommerce products.


  • Direct links to product variations – Obtain URLs that open WooCommerce products with a specific variation already selected.
  • Quick and easy – No more navigating through parent product pages; simply click on the generated link to open the variation directly.
  • Admin Panel Integration – Access the link generation directly from your WordPress admin panel.

Why Valink?

Normally, WooCommerce provides a link to the parent product page, requiring users to select options manually. With Valink, you can bypass this step by generating links that open with specific variations pre-selected, making it easier for customers and enhancing the user experience.

Arbitrary Section

Thank you for using Valink! We are committed to enhancing WooCommerce functionality by making it easy to link to specific product variations.


Via WordPress Admin Panel

  1. Go to “Plugins” -> “Add new” in your WordPress admin panel.
  2. Search for “Valink” in the search bar.
  3. Locate the “Valink” plugin and click “Install Now”.
  4. Once installed, click “Activate”.

Manual Installation

  1. Download the plugin from this page.
  2. Save the .zip file to a location on your computer.
  3. Go to “Plugins” -> “Add new” in your WordPress admin panel.
  4. Click “Upload Plugin” and select the .zip file from your computer.
  5. Click “Install Now” and then “Activate Plugin”.

الأسئلة المتكررّة

Q: Does Valink support all WooCommerce products?

A: Valink is designed for WooCommerce variation products. It will generate direct links only for products with selectable variations.

Q: Will this plugin work with my theme?

A: Valink uses WooCommerce’s standard functionality and should work with any theme compatible with WooCommerce.


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المساهمون والمطوّرون

“Valink” هو برنامج مفتوح المصدر. وقد ساهم هؤلاء الأشخاص بالأسفل في هذه الإضافة.


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مُهتم بالتطوير؟

تصفّح الشفرة، تحقق من مستودع SVN، أو الاشتراك في سجل التطوير بواسطة RSS.

سجل التغييرات


  • Asynchronisation
  • bug fixes.


  • Initial release.