وسم الإضافة: tinyMCE
Contact Form 7 Select Box Editor Button
(2 إجمالي التقييمات)Add a contact form link into article text. For contact forms where the recipient can be chosen in a select box.
Better Blockquotes
(2 إجمالي التقييمات)Better Blockquotes provides an way to easily add citations to quotes using the WordPress editor.
Extra Visual Editor Buttons Tinymce Buttons
(1 إجمالي التقييمات)Simple plugin adds extra buttons like font family, font size, hr and more to the default WordPress Tinymce Visual Editor.
Tiny Grid
(4 إجمالي التقييمات)This plugin adds buttons to the TinyMCE Editor to use the bootstrap grid system.
MP Easy Icons
(2 إجمالي التقييمات)Choose from over 585 icons and insert into the text editor with just a click!
Visual Editor Font Size
(8 إجمالي التقييمات)Allows you to change the font size of the visual editor
Contact Form 7 – email body TinyMCE editor
(5 إجمالي التقييمات)This plugin will replace raw textarea by TinyMCE WYSIWYG editor when "Use HTML content type" is checked. Works for both Mail and Mail (2) in …
Manage TinyMCE Editor
(1 إجمالي التقييمات)Add buttons to TinyMCE, WordPress' default visual editor.
TinyMCE Advanced qTranslate fix editor problems
(0 إجمالي التقييمات)For fixing problems with TinyMCE Advanced and qTranslate. Remove line breaks and whitespace, enable custom stylesheets and multiple textareas.
WP Editor Comments Plus
(5 إجمالي التقييمات)Enhance your site's comments with the built in WordPress TinyMCE editor, inline comment editing and asynchronous comment posting.
WYSIWYG Editor for Contact Form 7
(2 إجمالي التقييمات)Let's you add a WYSIWYG Editor field for Contact Form 7.
Compact MCE
(0 إجمالي التقييمات)A simple plugin that re-organize your WordPress editor TinyMCE controls.
WP Tidy TinyMCE
(1 إجمالي التقييمات)Simple options to tidy up the uncommonly used buttons and controls from WordPress TinyMCE editor. Updated to work with both the new 3.9 editor and 3.
Crazy Pills
(5 إجمالي التقييمات)Build buttons, boxes, beautiful lists, and highlight text right from your editor, with live preview.
Magic Template Holder
(2 إجمالي التقييمات)Enables to Handle ( insert, make, edit ) Templates on Editor.
TinyMCE Emoticons
(6 إجمالي التقييمات)TinyMCE Emoticons plugin helps to add emoticons in posts and pages easily.
Safe Paste
(5 إجمالي التقييمات)Removes a lot of HTML tags from post and page content before inserting it to database. Preventing users to paste undesired HTML tags to content.
InstallActivateGo Display Kitchen Sink
(1 إجمالي التقييمات)Display the Kitchen Sink — the second row of icons displayed in Visual mode — for both the Page and Post Editors when Classic Editor is enabled.