وسم الإضافة: region
Show Visitor IP
(6 إجمالي التقييمات)Show Visitor IP – Simply display visitor IP Address & visitor another location info using by IP on post or page, anywhere using shortcode.
Region City Landing Pages Builder
(0 إجمالي التقييمات)Build Multiple Geographically Targeted Landing Pages Quickly Using Generic Text & Automatically Inserted City Names.
Locations and Areas – Leaflet Map with Region Tabs
(3 إجمالي التقييمات)An awesome map with features like: multiple regions as tabs, no API keys needed, frontend location adding, marker clustering & beautiful map and m …
WPSSO User Locale Selector
(4 إجمالي التقييمات)Quick and easy locale / language / region selector for the WordPress admin toolbar.
GeoDataSource Country Region DropDown
(0 إجمالي التقييمات)GeoDataSource Country Region DropDown plugin use the shortcode to display the country and region in dropdown.
Show IP Info
(2 إجمالي التقييمات)Show IP Info – Simply displays visitor IP Address & country info, like Language & Currencies.
(0 إجمالي التقييمات)MyCitySelector plugin for WordPress. Detect user location, substitute any data depending on user location and much more…