وسم الإضافة: Islam
Kütüb-i Sitte
(0 إجمالي التقييمات)Hadis mecmualarının en sahihleri kabul edilen; Buhârî ve Müslim'in el-Câmiu's-Sahih'leri ile Ebu Davud, Tirmizi, Nesâî ve ibn Mâce' …
Islamic Content Archive
(1 إجمالي التقييمات)Islamic Content Archive is a plugin that allows you to get the content (articles, videos, audios) of 27 Islamic websites in different languages.
Islamic Archive For New Muslims
(0 إجمالي التقييمات)New Muslims aspires to be a unique interactive and informative online resource about Islam for new Muslims as well as potential converts
MH Dispaly Prayer Times widget
(1 إجمالي التقييمات)This is a Simple widget that creates following tables if they don't already exist and loads sample data into
Islamic Database
(0 إجمالي التقييمات)Islamic Database have lot of information about Holy Quran, Hadees, Islamic history & much more.