وسم الإضافة: admin
Server IP & Memory Usage Display
(40 إجمالي التقييمات)Show the memory limit, current memory usage and IP address in the admin footer.
WP Custom Admin Interface
(157 إجمالي التقييمات)With WP Custom Admin Interface you can easily customise the WordPress admin and login interfaces.
WP Updates Notifier
(35 إجمالي التقييمات)Sends email to notify you if there are any updates for your WordPress site. Can notify about core, plugin and theme updates.
Scripts n Styles
(28 إجمالي التقييمات)This plugin allows Admin users to individually add HTML, custom CSS, Classes and JavaScript directly to Post, Pages or any other custom post types.
SEO Friendly Images
(59 إجمالي التقييمات)SEO Friendly Images automatically adds alt and title attributes to all your images improving traffic from search engines.
Featured Image Admin Thumb
(38 إجمالي التقييمات)Adds inline thumbnail image to admin columns on Post/post types view (where supported). Click to easily set/change the featured image.
Login as User
(33 إجمالي التقييمات)Login as User is a free WordPress plugin that helps admins switch user accounts instantly to check data.
Custom Login
(97 إجمالي التقييمات)Custom Login allows you to easily customize your admin login page, works great for client sites!
Simple Taxonomy Ordering
(28 إجمالي التقييمات)Quickly and easily reorder taxonomy terms with an easy to use and intuitive drag and drop interface.
Radio Buttons for Taxonomies
(50 إجمالي التقييمات)Replace the default taxonomy boxes with a custom metabox that uses radio buttons… effectively limiting each post to a single term in that taxonomy.
User Access Manager
(113 إجمالي التقييمات)With the "User Access Manager"-plugin you can manage the access to your posts, pages and files.
Error Log Monitor
(47 إجمالي التقييمات)Adds a Dashboard widget that displays the latest messages from your PHP error log. It can also send logged errors to email.
Widget Disable
(21 إجمالي التقييمات)Disable sidebar and dashboard widgets with an easy to use interface.
Term Management Tools
(75 إجمالي التقييمات)Allows you to merge terms, move terms between taxonomies, and set term parents, individually or in bulk. WPML is supported when changing taxonomies.
Arile Extra
(2 إجمالي التقييمات)Arile Extra is a companion plugin for ArileWP WordPress theme by ThemeArile.
Desert Companion
(3 إجمالي التقييمات)Desert Companion Enhances Desert Themes with additional functionality.