SKT Skill Bar


This plugin adds fancy jQuery skill bars. Skill bar like progress bar or circular bar or vertical bar or half circular bar showcasing your skill set in percentage is shown. Fancy animation due to jQuery.

Related Links:
* Demo Link for Skill Bars in Action

Also check our WordPress theme free at SKT Themes which are available for any commercial or personal use. These ready to use templates are available for free download.


This plugin is free and complimentary and is governed by GPL2 License. Kindly check our wordpress themes at:

لقطات الشاشة

  • This is how progress skill bar will appear.
  • This is how half circular skill bar will appear.
  • This is how full circular skill bar will appear.
  • This is how vertical graph skill bar will appear.
  • This is how pie graph will appear.
  • This is how poly graph will appear.
  • This is how line graph will appear.


This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.


  1. Upload to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Place shortcode: ‘[skillwrapper type=”bar” bar_titlefontsize=”12″ bar_titlecolor=”#000″ bar_percentfontszie=”11″ bar_percentcolor=”#336699″]
    [skill title_background=”#f7a53b” bar_foreground=”#ff9000″ bar_background=”#eeeeee” percent=”90″ title=”CSS3″]
    [skill title_background=”#39bcdf” bar_foreground=”#6adcfa” bar_background=”#eeeeee” percent=”55″ title=”WordPress”]
    [skill title_background=”#ff2727″ bar_foreground=”#fa6e6e” bar_background=”#eeeeee” percent=”85″ title=”PHP”]
    [skill title_background=”#0d5aa6″ bar_foreground=”#336699″ bar_background=”#eeeeee” percent=”100″ title=”jQuery”]
    [/skillwrapper]’ without the inverted commas in your page or post for bar type or progress bar.

  4. Or for half circle place shortcode: ‘[skillwrapper type=”gage” align=”left”]
    [skill percent=”75″ title=”WordPress” bar_foreground=”#f00″ bar_background=”#eee”]
    [skill percent=”25″ title=”SEO” bar_foreground=”#f60″ bar_background=”#eee”]
    [skill percent=”50″ title=”PHP” bar_foreground=”#900″ bar_background=”#eee”]
    [/skillwrapper]’ without the inverted commas in your page or post for half circular bars.

  5. Or for full circle place shortcode: ‘[skillwrapper type=”circle” track_color=”#333333″ chart_color=”#dddddd” chart_size=”550″ chart_fontsize=”13″ chart_headingfontsize=”16″ align=”left”]
    [skill percent=”88″ title=”Web Research”]
    [skill percent=”55″ title=”WordPress”]
    [skill percent=”85″ title=”PHP”]
    [skill percent=”100″ title=”jQuery”]
    [/skillwrapper]’ without the inverted commas in your page or post for full circular bars.

  6. Or for vertical graph place shortcode: ‘[skillwrapper type=”skt_verticalgraph”]
    [skill percent=”51″ title=”WordPress” verticalgraph_background=”#6adcfa” verticalgraph_titlecolor=”#000000″]
    [skill percent=”70″ title=”JavaScript” verticalgraph_background=”#fa6e6e” verticalgraph_titlecolor=”#000000″]
    [skill percent=”40″ title=”PHP” verticalgraph_background=”#336699″ verticalgraph_titlecolor=”#000000″]
    [/skillwrapper]’ without the inverted commas in your page or post for vertical graph bars.

  7. Or for pie graph place shortcode: ‘[skillwrapper type=”skt_piegraph”]
    [skill percent=”51″ title=”WordPress” piegraph_background=”#6adcfa”]
    [skill percent=”70″ title=”JavaScript” piegraph_background=”#fa6e6e”]
    [skill percent=”40″ title=”PHP” piegraph_background=”#336699″]
    [/skillwrapper]’ without the inverted commas in your page or post for pie graph.

  8. Or for poly graph place shortcode: ‘[skillwrapper type=”skt_polygraph”]
    [skill percent=”51″ title=”WordPress” polygraph_background=”#6adcfa”]
    [skill percent=”70″ title=”JavaScript” polygraph_background=”#fa6e6e”]
    [skill percent=”40″ title=”PHP” polygraph_background=”#336699″]
    [/skillwrapper]’ without the inverted commas in your page or post for poly graph.

  9. Or for line graph place shortcode: ‘[skillwrapper type=”skt_linegraph”]
    [skill percent=”51″ title=”WordPress” linegraph_background=”#6adcfa”]
    [skill percent=”70″ title=”JavaScript” linegraph_background=”#fa6e6e”]
    [skill percent=”40″ title=”PHP” linegraph_background=”#336699″]
    [/skillwrapper]’ without the inverted commas in your page or post for line graph.

الأسئلة المتكررّة

Easy to use plugin. Just install it and check under settings for SKT Skill Bar. Given are the different shortcodes for usage. Just place the shortcode in any page or post and you should be done.


21 ديسمبر، 2018
Works great for me! And looks nice in a widget. Thanks a lot.
5 أبريل، 2017
This plugin randomly stopped working and there is no support for it. Needs to be updated & maintained.
25 أكتوبر، 2016
Does not accomidate easyPieChart functionality fully. Not been tested against latest stable releases in some time. Had to hack the core for the plugin to do what it says on the tin. Think twice and just use easyPieChart JS Directly until the dev picks up support again
3 سبتمبر، 2016
I think this is nice and it fits well but, the full circle one isn’t working so well for my website. I added it but there is no animation, and the circle does not look like its been vectorized, it comes up quite pixelated.
إقرأ جميع المراجعات 13

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