هذه الإضافة لم يتم تحديثها وتجربتها لأكثر من 3 إصدارات ووردبريس رئيسية. قد لا تكون خاضعة للصيانة أو تقدم الدعم والمساعدة بالوقت الحالي وقد تكون بها مشاكل في التوافق عند إستخدامها مع إصدارات حديثة من ووردبريس.

SAS WEB Testimonials Slider


SAS WEB testimonial slider is responsive slider implemented using bxslider. It has widget area to place slider in sidebar or any other widget area. Configuration can be done from settings page.

Why should I use this slider?

  • Fully responsive – will adapt to any device
  • Horizontal, vertical, and fade modes
  • Slides can contain images, video, or HTML content
  • Advanced touch / swipe support built-in
  • Uses CSS transitions for slide animation (native hardware acceleration!)
  • Small file size, fully themed, simple to implement
  • Browser support: Firefox, Chrome, Safari, iOS, Android, IE7+


Installation from zip:
1. From wp-admin interface, select Plugins -> Add New
2. Click Upload
3. Click \\”Choose File\\” and select zip
4. Click \\”Install Now\\”
5. Activate the plugin through the \\’Plugins\\’ menu in WordPress

Installation from WordPress Plugin Directory
1. From wp-admin interface, go to Plugins -> Add New
2. Search for \\”SAS WEB Testimonials Slider\\”
3. Click Install Now under the plugin name
4. Click Ok to install the plugin
5. Click Activate Plugin once installed

الأسئلة المتكررّة

How to install the plugin?
Simpley upload to the plugin folder and click on activate link. Once done you can put the widget anywhere in the widget area.

Can I edit the codes?
This is a simple plugin with only few page codes. You can easily edit the codes according to your requirement. You can modify the codes as per your need according to license.

Where can I contact in case of problem?
You can email me at @itsmeskm99@gmail.com

Can you set up this plugin in my website?
Yes, You can email me at @itsmeskm99@gmail.com

For more slider settings stuff, visit http://bxslider.com/faqs

Installation Instructions

Installation from zip:
1. From wp-admin interface, select Plugins -> Add New
2. Click Upload
3. Click \\”Choose File\\” and select zip
4. Click \\”Install Now\\”
5. Activate the plugin through the \\’Plugins\\’ menu in WordPress

Installation from WordPress Plugin Directory
1. From wp-admin interface, go to Plugins -> Add New
2. Search for \\”SAS WEB Testimonials Slider\\”
3. Click Install Now under the plugin name
4. Click Ok to install the plugin
5. Click Activate Plugin once installed


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المساهمون والمطوّرون

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