هذه الإضافة لم يتم تحديثها وتجربتها لأكثر من 3 إصدارات ووردبريس رئيسية. قد لا تكون خاضعة للصيانة أو تقدم الدعم والمساعدة بالوقت الحالي وقد تكون بها مشاكل في التوافق عند إستخدامها مع إصدارات حديثة من ووردبريس.

Remove HTML From Content


You may have some obscure reason for wanting the output that is sent by the_content() and get_the_content() to be simple HTML, free of the more exotic tags and objects. It may be for post aggregators or email notifications or some other edge case. This is for you!


  1. Upload the remove-html-from-content folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Navigate to wp-admin/plugins.php on your site (your WP plugin page)
  3. Alternatively, upload remove-html-from-content.zip via the upload plugin section at wp-admin/plugins.php
  4. Activate this plugin.

OR you can just install it with WordPress by going to Plugins >> Add New >> and typing Remove HTML From Content

الأسئلة المتكررّة

Will it do all content?

Just that which runs through the_content() and get_the_content() but you can add your own filters with

add_action( 'FILTER_NAME', [__CLASS__, 'do_filter'], 0 );

Or calling the conversion directly with

$text = Remove_Html_From_Content::do_filter($html);


3 سبتمبر، 2016
I needed my site to post content provided by a government listserv (agendas for public meetings). I set an automatic forwarding filter in my email to my website via WordPress’ post-by-email function, assisted by the Postie plugin. That worked well but it had “unsubscribe” info at the bottom of the email — what if someone clicked the “unsubscribe” link? So I added the Text Obfuscator plugin to filter out the explanatory text, which was great, but it left the actual link since it didn’t filter out HTML. So that was a problem. But then, this plugin was recommended to me, and it worked perfectly. Problem solved. Thank you, developer! Note that this removes all HTML from being presented publicly, which includes all posts, new or old, including certain formatting, like bold and blockquotes. It doesn’t actually remove the HTML from the post (i.e., you can view the HTML using the text edit window for composing the post), so you can try and if it isn’t working for you, you can deactivate it, and your posts will revert to their previous state. While it would be nice if there were some filtering options, like Text Obfuscator has, or a way to turn it off for particular posts, it does exactly what it promises. Recommended!
إقرأ جميع المراجعات 1

المساهمون والمطوّرون

“Remove HTML From Content” هو برنامج مفتوح المصدر. وقد ساهم هؤلاء الأشخاص بالأسفل في هذه الإضافة.


ترجمة ”Remove HTML From Content“ إلى لغتك.

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