This Precio Transferencia Bancaria plugin for woocommerce. It adds a price to pay when it is only bank transfer.
In addition to putting the price in the product detail.
View more plugins
For additional functionality, check out our companion plugin, such as:
- Ubigeo Perú
- Libro de Reclamaciones y Quejas
- Comprobante de Pago Perú
- Tipo Documento Perú
- Transferencia Bancaria Perú
- Utils para WooCommerce y WordPress
- Multi Link in Bio
- Display Price Free
- Recojo por otra persona
View more plugins PREMIUM
- Costo de envío de Ubigeo Perú
- Libro de Reclamaciones y Quejas PRO
- WooYape para WooCommerce
- WooLukita para WooCommerce
- WooPlin para WooCommerce
- WooTunki para WooCommerce
- WooBilletera para WooCommerce
- Comprobante de Pago Perú PRO para WooCommerce
Visit our plugins overview page for more information.
Automatic installation
1. Plugin admin panel and add new option.
2. Search in the common province-region-text box.
3. Placed in the description of this plugin and select install.
4. Activate the plugin from the WordPress administration panel.
ZIP files Installation manual
1. Download the ZIP file from this screen.
2. Select the add plugin option from the admin panel.
3. Select the heavy load option and select the downloaded file.
4. Confirm Installation and activation plugin from the administration panel.
Manual FTP installation
1. Download the ZIP file from this screen and unzip.
2. Go to your FTP folder on your web server.
3. Copy the directory ubigeo into the following address wp-content/plugins/
4. Activate the plugin from the WordPress administration panel.
الأسئلة المتكررّة
Where can I enter the bank transfer price?
The bank transfer price is entered in the product detail where the regular price is shown.
لا توجد مراجعات لهذه الإضافة.
المساهمون والمطوّرون
“Precio Transferencia Bancaria” هو برنامج مفتوح المصدر. وقد ساهم هؤلاء الأشخاص بالأسفل في هذه الإضافة.
المساهمونلقد تم ترجمة ”Precio Transferencia Bancaria“ إلى لغة واحدة. شكراً إلى جميع المُترجمين لمُساهماتهم.
ترجمة ”Precio Transferencia Bancaria“ إلى لغتك.
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