OnPay.io for WooCommerce


Plugin for WooCommerce, based on the official OnPay PHP SDK. The plugin adds the following functionality to WooCommerce:
– Usage of OnPay as a payment method.
– Validation of orders with callbacks directly from OnPay, outside the context of the cardholders browser.
– Management of transaction on order pages in backoffice.

Don’t have an OnPay account yet? Order one through DanDomain from DKK 0,- per month.

OnPay sellers


  1. PHP: >= 7.2
  2. WordPress >= 5.8
  3. WooCommerce >= 6.5

لقطات الشاشة


  1. Install plugin as any other WordPress plugin.
  2. Log in with OnPay on plugin settings page in woocommerce settings.
  3. Plugin configures itself automatically after successful login.
  4. Setup up the plugin with the desired configuration.
  5. You’re ready to go.


20 مايو، 2023
I have tried several of the Danish gateway providers. So far, OnPay is the one that has the most well-designed plugin for WordPress. Took me 2 minutes to setup and configure. Many providers half translate their plugins, so it becomes a mixed up mess. Onpay is translated to 100% Danish and it just works. They support many payment providers, however, I miss that they are more integrated with my website. For example, ViaBill and AnyDay’s features are missing, which many other providers have integrated.
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سجل التغييرات


Added validation for empty values in country helper


Bumped target php version and updated dependencies


Added Klarna
Fixed floating point conversion error when performing bulk comple capture
Added Icelandic option
Streamlined and optimized subscriptions
Properly format country coeds when creating payments


Tweaked texts on actions buttons in admin
Added support fro HPOS in WooCommerce


Take adjusted total amounts into account on available amounts for capture
Added general platform that identifies the pluin with the API.
Shifted declineURL order reference to wc_order key instead of onpay reference.


Ensure proper type of card method logo list before looping it


Added ability to set language of created payments according to frontoffice language
Performance optimization of payment creation.
Bugfix of subscriptions not being available in block layout.


Restructured the settings page into sevaral sections
Implemented block layout for payment methods
Removed unused code from build script
Fixed Apple and Google pay methods being activated in a buggy way


Updated subscriptions (early) renwal logic, to reflect the WooCommerce guidelines.
Fixed minor bug when getting order reference for subscriptions early renewal.


Removed unecessary sanitation of website value we send to OnPay API.
Reintroduced sending cart object when creating new payments, checking validity before adding the object to the request.
Added Apple Pay and Google Pay as available methods.
Fixed Composer/InstalledVersions not being properly prefixed with composer/php-scoper
Confirmed compatibility with version 6.2 of WordPress.
Added PayPal as available method


Removed sending cart item info when creating payments, introduced in 1.0.30


Added WC settings tab for OnPay.io.
Fixed strict typing of apiAuthorized
Updated supported versions, following WooCommerce.
Updated build script for newer versions of PHP.
Added cart and items to info sent to API when creating payments.
Updated danish translations, courtesy of @NoahBohme.


Fixed bug with querystrings being sanitized incorrectly
Confirmed compatibility with version 6.1 of WordPress.


Improved general error handling
Added field validation when constructing payment
Updated danish translations
Added check of authorized connection to OnPay, before presenting OnPay methods


Properly set required amount value when constructing subscriptions
Allow MobilePay in testmode since this is now supported


Implemented creation of payments through API redirecting to link, instead of posting form directly to onpay
Updated SDK version


Added support for customers updating payment method


Confirmed compatibility with version 6.0 of WordPress.


Improved validation of parameters on callback and decline endpoints.


Added swish as available payment option.


Based identification of orders in callback, on order_key instead of unpredictable order_number, but keep using order_number for reference


Fixed invalid Redirect urls when logging in through OnPay.
Added support for Sequential Order Number Pro, when validating orders


Added feature for including WooCommerce refunded values in calculated amounts for capture.
Fixed bug where latest order is selected instead of the order in question
Fixed names of gateways shown in lists and removed base wc_onpay gateway that wasnt a real gateway
Added support for activated toggle switches on payment gateways page
Added function to allow automatic refund when using built in refund function of woocommerce


Added support for WooCommerce Subscriptions
Added support for order numbers, instead of using ids.


Exclude paragonIE random_compat from scoper, since this repo is registered in the global space, and results in errors if prefixed with a namespace.
Added feature for enabling autocapture of transaction, when order is marked as completed.


Fixed version tag mismatches


Updated Anyday branding


Added Vipps as payment option
Properly set HTTP header and code in json responses


Added styling for Anyday Split logo
Show Maestro logo if Mastercard is shown
Fix datetimes shown in log for transactions to follow timezone set in WordPress.


Added method for showing notices in admin
Added better handling of errors on order page in admin
Get data from Order object the correct way in abstract_gateway


Updated version of onpayio/php-sdk
Added website field to payment window
Added Anyday Split as an payment option
Implemented platform field in payment window


Split methods form one single into individual payment methods shown when choosing method in frontoffice.
Added feature for choosing card logos shown on OnPay credit card method.
Updated MobilePay logo.


Fix bug with invalid token crashing whole site
Updated dependencies, PHP SDK and onpayio oauth2 dependency
Implemented paymentinfo for paymentwindow, setting available values
Confirmed working on WordPress 5.5.1 and WooCommerce 4.6.0


When users are sent to the payment window, the value for declineUrl has been set to the url for the checkout page. If user returns to declineUrl because of an error encountered in OnPay, an error message will be shown.


Confirmed working on WordPress 5.5 and WooCommerce 4.4.1
Added prefix to dependency namespaces during build, to prevent any overlap with dependency versions from other plugins that might be installed


Confirmed working on WordPress 5.4.2 and WooCommerce 4.2.0
Fix incompatibility with PHP 5.6
Update composer dependencies to latest versions


Fixed issue with transaction_id null value being used to fetch transaction, resulting in an error.
Confirmed working on WordPress 5.4.1 and WooCommerce 4.1.0


Added missing translatable strings
Added danish translation of plugin


Tested compatibility for WordPress 5.4 and WooCommerce 4.0.1
Properly handle no connection to API, and show error message in such case


Only initialize the settings fields on the settings page
Updated the OnPay SDK, with the latest version that resolves a issue with invalid oauth tokens


Added README.txt for use by WordPress.org
Sanitize and escape values when getting query and post values directly from PHP.
Updated class names to a format unique for plugin and similar to the rest of WordPress’ naming scheme.


Initial release