

تم إغلاق هذه الإضافة اعتبارًا من 3 ديسمبر، 2021 وغير متاحة للتنزيل. السبب: مشكلة أمنية.


تقدّم هذه الإضافة مكوّنين اثنين (2).

  • mDocs File 2
  • Memphis Documents Library


7 فبراير، 2021
there were appearance problems. I think it’s better. shortcodes are difficult to understand. box api didn’t work. There is a great effort. but there is no support.
28 فبراير، 2020
When this works, it works great. Then you start seeing errors. Look at the forum stats – 4 issues out of 22 have been resolved. 2 pages of comments without response some from 2 weeks ago. I suppose for ‘free’ that’s to be expected.
1 فبراير، 2020
Some things works well, others, like file menu being expanded by default and no obvious way to solve the problem spoils it all for the use I am looking at. And two weeks without support-reply is annoying even for a free plugin.
28 نوفمبر، 2019
I loaded, followed instructions, but there were issues with the frontend not working, I researched the help forum, and there were many of the same issues mainly around themes and other backend issues. This was the one plug in that was going to work for me, but these issues have made me take pause. I reached out to the developer but have not yet heard back.
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