Luftdaten Live Widget is a WordPress Widget which helps to show live data from a sensor node registered at sensor.community.
Choose a Widget title and provide a sensor ID. After saving this information, you can customize the text shown for each sensor value.
You can find the sensor ID at https://devices.sensor.community/sensors. If they are not owned by yourself, you can find them by searching on the map at https://sensor.community/.
Widgets can be used with shortcodes, too! Examples:
[feinstaublive title=”Titel” sensorIDs=”260,262″]
[feinstaubampel title=”Titel” sensorIDs=”260″]
An additional shortcode is the map:
[feinstaubkarte sensorIDs=”255,260,262″ zoom=”13″]
Thanks to bleeptrack who wrote this great plugin!
Thank for testing and contributing patches: networx,alexschnapper,abulvenz!
المساهمون والمطوّرون
“Luftdaten Live Widget” هو برنامج مفتوح المصدر. وقد ساهم هؤلاء الأشخاص بالأسفل في هذه الإضافة.
المساهمونلقد تم ترجمة ”Luftdaten Live Widget“ إلى لغة واحدة. شكراً إلى جميع المُترجمين لمُساهماتهم.
ترجمة ”Luftdaten Live Widget“ إلى لغتك.
مُهتم بالتطوير؟
تصفّح الشفرة، تحقق من مستودع SVN، أو الاشتراك في سجل التطوير بواسطة RSS.
سجل التغييرات
*Bugfix: Error if whitespaces between sensor ids
*Bugfix: Error if sensor offline
*new Widget: colorful widget for showing the current PM values. Turns red if over EU threshold.
*new Shortcodes: widgets can now be used with shortcodes. See description
*Bugfix: faulty color on value 10
*optional unit
*optional info text
*Minor Bugfixs
*Time is now fetchted from WordPress GTM
*JSON Requests zu luftdaten api are cached for 120s
*A map is available as shortcode.
*removed faulty var_dump
*added support for http and https iframes
*added notification if wrong tick have been copied from the wordpress side for shortcodes
*patches for php 8.1
*change to new sensor.community urls
*minor cleanups