Easily Delete WordPress Menu Items with one-click, without having to open the ‘menu edit’ box. It will put trash icons on each menu item which
will provide you the functionality to delete a specific menu item or menu branch.
If you want to temporary not show any individual menu item, now you can control it with ‘show/hide’ button inside the ‘menu edit’ box and set menu icons.
لقطات الشاشة
- Upload the ‘Easy Menu Manager | WPZest’ directory to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory
- Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
- Locate the ‘Menus’ item on the ‘Appearance’ menu
- While editing your menu item, you see another option: Easy Menu Manager | WPZest , input your logic and that’s it.
Supported icon types
- Dashicons (WordPress core icons)
- Elusive Icons by Aristeides Stathopoulos
- Font Awesome by Dave Gandy
- Foundation Icons by Zurb
- Genericons by Automattic
- Icomoon icon packs
- Image (attachments)
- SVG (attachments)
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سجل التغييرات
Newly added feature set menu icons.
Easy to delete menu or hide menu individually when no use.